Thursday 26 July 2012

Product Review: Simple Kind to Eyes Corrector Pen

One of my favourite looks is a cat's eye flick of black eyeliner. I get quite a lot of practice, but there are days when I just can't get it right in one go. I saw this Simple Kind to Eyes Eye Make-up Corrector Pen, and being a big fan of Simple cleansing and make up remover products I decided to give it a go.

I liked this the first time I used it- it removes eyeliner with very slight residue. It's hard to get all of it off, so it did leave a shadowy dark mark behind that was quite easy to remove. It recommends cleaning it after every usage, so I removed the eyeliner from it.

However when I tried to use it a few days later it was a bit more dry and the more I used it the harder it was to get all the eyeliner off it, which meant that afterwards it would leave black marks when I tried to use it. Maybe you've got to be better at cleaning it :(

My major problem with this was actually that the blasted lid DOES NOT stay on. At all. I kept this in my make up bag, and it occasionally my make up bag rests in my handbag, but without fail every time I needed this the lid was off. Within a few weeks it was too dry to use. I found this really frustrating and not very practical. Simple products tend to be quite inexpensive, but this was £4.99 from Boots so I would have wanted it to last longer than a month.

I'll be sticking to cotton buds dipped into eye make up remover from now on, until I can find a more reliable pen!

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